Light of Hope Preschool is a calm, cozy, homelike environment for babies. Within our Infant Classrooms we want the infants to feel cared for and loved, so they will feel safe to explore and grow!
Our Infants
Birth to 12 Months
Our Infants
Birth to 12 Months
Light of Hope Preschool is a calm, cozy, homelike environment for babies. Within our Infant Classrooms we want the infants to feel cared for and loved, so they will feel safe to explore and grow!
For babies to fully learn to do all these things, they must have time, space, and freedom to move, so that they can practice each individual step along the way. We provide each of our infant rooms with plenty of room to move around and learn more and more.
Your tiny baby is trying new things all the time. Each time your baby practices a new skill, and then masters it, she strengthens the sense of confidence that will stay with her throughout her lifetime. Even your tiny baby imitates others, and can begin to take small steps towards independent self-care. Our Pre-School guides will gently support your baby to learn to do things for herself, striking just the right balance between making your little one feel safe and loved, and identifying the right moment to encourage her to try something new.
Developing language
We know the extreme importance of exposing your baby to rich spoken language and dynamic verbal interactions, in order to give his developing brain everything needed to master language. Our interactions with your baby are vibrant and meaningful. We describe what he is doing, what we are doing, and what other children are doing, making sure that he can watch the movements of our mouths as we speak.
As your baby becomes more familiar with precise language, he also begins to form connections between language, tone, and his own emotions. We expose your baby to as much vocabulary as possible, by clearly identifying objects and actions. Additionally, we read beautiful books about real people and things, and we sing — exposing your child to the full range of speech and expression.
In a few short months, your baby goes from involuntary and reflexive movements, to intentionally batting and grabbing at objects, then to releasing something once she has grasped it. From there, she learns more refined grasping abilities, including the all-important “pincer grip” later used for holding a pencil. She transfers things from hand to hand, and coordinates her two hands for a chosen purpose (such as to bang things together!)
Our classroom carefully nurtures your baby’s developing intelligence by offering increasingly more complex objects to explore and manipulate in intriguing ways. You’ll be amazed at how your child will learn, when simply given time and space to practice the activities that respond to precise moments in her development!
*In accordance to state standards we are an on-demand feeding center.